Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 16: Inspiration

A few weeks ago I let you know that I was worried about some of the drawings I would have to do for this drawing challenge, but I've found my way around most of those. "Inspiration" was no different. I'm not really sure what inspires me. I have goals that I'm working toward, and faith in a wonderful God, and amazing friends and family, but do any of those things inspire me? Inspire me to do what? Too many questions for this little challenge. So I took the route of my Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism class:

Inspiration is in the professional jargon of my future career as the term for the drawing in of air to use for speech production. So I drew a picture of lungs and the phonetic spelling of inspiration with the definition. What a loophole! :]

I've had a pretty good Monday. David left this afternoon after a long weekend in Stillwater with me, I did really well on a test, and there are only 2 real Mondays left of the semester!
I hope your Monday was half as good as mine!
Only 2 more days left of the challenge for me, but I'll still be posting the drawings for pretty much the rest of the semester, so by the end, you can be cheering me on for finals! Yay!
If you go to OSU and you aren't anemic (like this little lady), you should go give blood this week to save 3 lives and beat OU in the Bedlam blood drive!

Have a tremendous Tuesday :]

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